Eyebrow make-up. Do you know how to do it properly?

In general, eyebrow make-up can cause problems for some people. You need to have the right cosmetics and know how to use them all. Read this guide to find out how to do perfect eyebrows in a few simple steps.

We may omit using lipstick. We may forget to use eye shadow and delicately emphasize eyelashes with mascara. However, going out without eyebrow make-up is a great courage today. Beautifull brows are that important because thanks to them our face looks young and beautiful. Check how to do your eyebrows properly.

Step 1. Choose the right cosmetics

It is impossible to do a good make-up without good cosmetics. Which products are recommended to obtain a natural and long-lasting effect? Actually, we have a vast array of options – pencils, shadows, waxes, gels, pomades, tints, powders. The decision is up to us and our preferences. However, cosmetics from the well-known brands often contain better ingredients, the amount of harmful substances is reduced, and the product itself is more durable.

Step 2. Give your eyebrows volume

Before we even start doing our eyebrows, it’s good to give them a bit more volume. Most often they are thin and not very expressive. In order to delicately thicken them, raise at the base and style, you can use eyebrow wax. This is a brilliant cosmetic with which you can shape your eyebrows and give them gloss.

Step 3. Find the perfect shape of your eyebrows

As a rule, natural eyebrows do not have a distinctive shape and tend to be thinned out. The easiest way to give them the right shape is to use the eyebrow pencil. First, select the bottom edge of the eyebrows and then the upper edge. It’s good to make the pencil sharpened, because it will be easier to draw a clearly defined arch. Match the shape of the eyebrows to the shape of your face – sharp features can be levelled gently with a curved arch, and the round face slimmer with heavily accentuated eyebrows with a sharper shape.

Step 4. Give your eyebrows a colour

Once you have the contour of your eyebrows, it’s time to fill them in with the same pencil or eyebrow shadow. Why is it important? Because our eyebrows have natural holes, they need to be filled in in order for the whole to look perfect. Also, the way you fill in the brows matters as well. Draw the lines with a pencil or shadow so that they imitate your natural hairs.

Step 5. Highlight to emphasize

The last step involves highlighting the shape of the eyebrows. It’s good to choose a natural highlighter, without glitter. You can also use a concealer one tone lighter than the foundation to mark the bottom edge. This is the last, but very important step in eyebrow make-up.