Remedy for thinning hair? I’ve tested various herbs for you


I think I’ve always used herbs to combat various hair-related problems. They helped me when I needed an immediate appearance improvement. I also turn to herbs during autumn season when hair loss problem is intensified. Which herbs work for me best?

Common causes of hair loss

There are two main causes of hair thinning: physiological that are connected with our body’s natural processes and the ones resulted from sickness, and they require medical intervention. The most common causes of hair loss are:

  • hormonal changes that may be connected with giving birth, for example.
  • solar radiation.
  • urban pollution.
  • ill-matching care.
  • thyroid gland disorders.
  • frequent heat styling.

Herbs dealing with hair loss problem

Luckily, uncontrolled hair loss can be reduced or even completely cured due to herbs. You can use it in many ways: hair washes, scalp lotions, infusions to drink or to be mixed with shampoo, conditioners or masks. My favorite herbs to treat my hair with are: horsetail, nettle, rosemary and birch.


This herb contains a high concentration of potassium that is recognized as one of the main constituents of hair. Also, horsetail is antiseptic and has an astringent effect. This herb delays hair graying process, reduces hair brittleness and combats split ends.


This is a source of vitamin A and C and lipids. Nettle significantly reduces hair loss (also in man), regulates sebaceous glands and deals with greasy roots. What’s interesting, this plant positively influences the hormones that cause hair loss in men.


This is a really rich source of antioxidants that fight off free radicals. Rosemary is known for stimulating hair follicles and accelerating hair growth. Additionally, it combats dandruff and leaves scalp disinfected.


It has anti-inflammatory, cleansing and freshening up effects. If you keep drinking birch juice systematically and if you keep exposing your hair to the birch juice than you can expect to get soft and shiny strands pretty soon. Moreover, owing to birch, hair becomes smoothed out and more bouncy.

Of course, if for some reason you can’t use none of the above-mentioned herbs, perhaps you can give a try to the following plants:

  • lavender – freshens up, boosts blood flow in scalp, is antibacterial.
  • ginseng – nourishes and reinforces hair, stimulates hair growth.
  • fenugreek – combats dandruff and hair loss.
  • sage – prevents hair from falling out, reduces dandruff, intensifies natural hair color and is anti-inflammatory.
  • burdock – combats dandruff, reduces hair loss problem and deals with greasy roots.

This is my short list of the most common herbs to deal with hair thinning. Do you know more herbs that I should add here?