Stunning skin: How to get your skin glowing all the time?

Today I’m going to discuss an universal subject, yet I’m not going to dwell into it and analyze all details connected with it. I’ll be talking about the basic rules of taking care of skin to help it remain beautiful and flawless round-the-clock. I think that sometimes it’s worth talking about something that seems to be obvious because there is always a nugget of info that may leave us surprised.

Skin: What should you know about it?

Firstly, skin differs from one person to another. And this is the reason and at the same time the answer to one of the frequently asked questions that I receive, which is ‘Why the skin care products you recommend don’t work on me?’

If we all had the same type of skin, there would be just one cream for everyone. However, there are so many kinds of cosmetics because we distinguish the following skin types: dry, oily and combination, and additionally each skin type may be affected with a problem such as acne, broken capillaries, comedones, ageing, etc. And this is why the products that deliver the looked-for effects to your friend, may not be tolerated by your skin. Actually, skincare products that work wonders for your friend may ruin your skin and make a problem that you want to combat even more serious.

What you should know about effective skincare is that it should match the skin type and satisfy all current needs of your skin. Period 🙂

Skin: What does it need?

Care! We can expect it to be beautiful and young without any support given from our side. Sadly, life isn’t a fairytale and everyday we come across dozens of factors that disturb our skin in a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, take care of your skin, give it a few minutes of your time every day, take a closer look at it and choose the cosmetics reasonably, so you can be sure that soon your skin will repay you with stunning appearance.

The core of skincare

Despite being different, various skin types are connected by a few things that they all need.

  1. Moisturizing – water is crucial for skin and constitutes a huge part of the entire skin volume, therefore regular hydration (not only done from the inside but also due to cosmetics) is the most important task to accomplish every day! Apply moisturizers, humectant face masks and homemade honey and hyaluronic acid blends (you can get the acid everywhere, online or in a pharmacy), which are two really strong substances that attract and bond water in skin.
  2. Nourishing – somehow nourishing and moisturizing go hand in hand. You should make sure that you supply the skin with the adequate nutrients so it can function properly. Start from delivering vitamins like, A, E and B-group.
  3. Protection – third most important issue to mention is the protection because our skin, contrary to what we think about it – is rather delicate. What should we protect if from? Well, for example from free radicals (anti-oxidation), toxins (anti-pollution), sun and all the factors that speed up aging processes (anti-age). Finally, we should also protect skin from losing water that we have supplied it with.
  4. Cleansing – each skin type must be cleansed. I guess, I don’t have to tell you that it’s a really bad idea to go to sleep wearing makeup, right? Removing color cosmetics is the core, that’s obvious. What’s also beneficial is regular skin cleansing. Therefore, use either a regular face scrub or enzymatic one to make sure that skin is deeply cleansed. In this way you will get rid of cosmetic residues and other impurities that clog the skin pores. Also, you will remove dead skin cells. Result? Beautiful, smooth and even skin with no traces of discoloration.

Is it all? Of course, it isn’t! These are just the basics 🙂

More tips on skincare

We should focus on what our skin may currently need and choose the substances that will satisfy the very needs.

For example, if your skin is affected by acne, then obviously keep it moisturized, nourished, cleansed and protected. But apart from that, treat the skin with substances that help you reduce inflammations and eliminate these nasty blemishes.

In the case of oily skin, apart from the regular skincare practices that help you take control over this unhealthy shine, you should make use of herbs that will aid sebaceous glands in functioning properly.

You must be the most careful if you skin is couperose. For example, steam facial isn’t recommended, so aren’t scrubs and all the cosmetics that warm skin up and boost blood circulation – they may only make the problem more serious.

When the skin is mature, it’s a good idea to think about anti-age prophylaxis. Therefore, reach for skin lift creams, a good eye cream and something that would reinforce collagen and elastin fibers in your skin.

Okay, it’s time to summarize what I’ve said 🙂

6 Golden Rules of Wise Skincare

  1. Replenish skin with water no matter its type.
  2. Match the cosmetics to the problems your skin is affected by.
  3. Focus on prophylaxis instead of treating the problems that emerge.
  4. Regularly cleanse your skin to get rid of toxins and makeup residues.
  5. Don’t forget to give your skin adequate protection (e.g. from the sun).
  6. Do your best to use only (or mainly) all-natural cosmetics.