Modern-day threats and rapid aging. How can you aid your skin?

Are you a city dweller? Do you spend long hours in front of the computer screen every single day? Do you often watch TV, suffer from Netflix addiction (like me) or travel by train or underground with your eyes fixed on the smartphone? If so, this post is made for you! Let’s focus on how to protect skin from accelerated aging due to modern-day external aggressors. Quite a few of them…

What causes skin damage?

Modern-day threats: UV radiation

Actually, it’s an everlasting problem but the ozone hole has worsened the problem. UV radiation irreversibly destroys collagen fibers in skin. It makes the skin age at an alarming rate.

Modern-day threats: air conditioning

The skin is hard done by both cold and warm air generated by AC. This means skin damage, irritation, dehydration, disturbed processes inside it, and, generally speaking, miserable effect on the condition of skin.

Modern-day threats: toxins

In other words, all impurities in the air, bacteria and other nasties building up on skin. We also transfer germs to the face by touching it. Toxins disturb day-to-day work of our skin, clog the outlets of sebum glands, cause acne breakouts.

Modern-day threats: smog

Particulates suspended in the air having an awful effect on our health, lungs and entire body, including skin. These mischievous particles easily penetrate the skin so anti-pollution products are a must these days. Otherwise, we are exposed to rapid skin aging and oxidative stress. Such products have been launched by Yves Rocher, the price isn’t exorbitant and you can purchase a face toner, micellar water and serum, for instance.

Modern-day threats: HEV light

Simply put, it’s blue light emitted by screens of TV sets, smartphones, computers, etc. The light generated by the devices we cannot do without has a bad effect on the skin, causing damage. HEV is hazardous, and might be the cause of macular degeneration which is likely to end up in loss of vision. HEV light has been proven to reach the subcutaneous tissue and blood vessels where it triggers the formation of free radicals. The blue light causes damage to skin cells and accelerates photoaging. I’m sure that it’s already downed on you that your skin suffers while you’re reading this post… Are there any remedies?

Many companies offer products enriched with ingredients that neutralize and protect from the blue light but the best remedy for HEV is… C! Vitamin C, ideally in form of an enhancing face serum. This vitamin is essential for keeping our bodies and skin healthy. Vit. C is the most universal antioxidant which outstandingly brightens dark spots, smoothes out fine lines and fortifies protection from the sunlight and radiation. It both secures and fixes the skin, working for everyone no matter the age.

Do you know any products defending skin against modern risks that damage our good looks and quicken the aging process? Share your ideas below!