Perfect eyebrows – beauty tips & tricks

Beautiful eyebrows are definitely not thin, barely visible and sparse. Okay – there was a time when such eyebrows were on top. But there was a time when ruffs were popular and today… not really. Today nobody wishes to have pencil-thin eyebrows. It’s good news because they look caricatural and grotesque.

Natural, thick and nicely-shaped eyebrows are the synonym of youth, femininity and charm nowadays. No wonder that in most of the drugstores special shelves for eyebrow pencils, mascaras, shadows, powders, pomades, waxes and pens were introduced. How to use them? Which products will work best with thin and delicate eyebrows and which with thick? Which brow product to choose?

How to do eyebrow make-up – a few tips to get started

In order to do it properly, regardless of the type of the brow product, it is important to follow a few important rules. Get to know them before you start doing your eyebrows.

  1. The cosmetic should be applied on clean, brushed eyebrows – check if there are no other cosmetics on the eyebrows, remove the remains of the foundation or powder with a special brush or a clean mascara brush.
  2. Moderation is the key – it is also important not to overload the eyebrows with the amount of the cosmetic. Your eyebrows should always look natural – each time you do it, gently remove the excess of the product to slightly soften too strong contours.
  3. Choose the right colour of the product – the colour of the pencil, pomade or shadow should match the colour of your hair, type of skin and complexion – if you have cool skin tones, choose matching colours of the brow products. You can also reach for natural shades that match both the cool and warm type.
  4. Use a good eyebrow serum – eyebrows (just like eyelashes and hair) should be properly taken care of, so that they are healthy, dense and do not fall out in excess. In the evening, after removing make-up, apply a good quality conditioner on eyebrows.

Brow Products

  1. Eyebrow pencil –the most classic cosmetic for eyebrows. It perfectly highlights the entire eyebrow line and fills the eyebrow arch. The best result would give a combination of two pencils (darker and lighter shades). The first one should be used to emphasize the bottom lines and the endings of the eyebrows. The brighter pencil is perfect for filing the entire eyebrows and marking their beginnings. Make sure that the colours differ only by a shade or two and that they are in the same (warm or cool) tone.
    Another version of a wooden eyebrow pencil is a pencil in a plastic applicator. It is usually thinner, more precise and requires no tempering. The pencil slides out by rotating the tip of the pencil. You can use it to draw individual hairs.
  2. Eyebrow shadows – very popular and useful if on your eyebrow are some spots. Shadows allow you to precisely fill the entire eyebrow with the appropriate colour and visually thicken it. They are a salvation for thin and irregularly shaped eyebrows.
  3. Eyebrow powder – this is a slightly ‘more advanced’ version of eyebrow shadows. Powder is more durable, it has a different consistency (it is not as powdery as a shadow), so it can withstand many hours, does not smudges and stays in shape for hours.
  4. Eyebrow pen – it’s nothing more than just a pen with brown dye. This is not a good option for those who are just starting with eyebrow make-up – it definitely requires some practice. The effect is very durable and natural, as you can draw individual hairs with it.
  5. Eyebrow pomade – this is one of the most popular brow product recently. It should be applied with an angle brow brush. The pomade has a creamy consistency and is waterproof. Because of this, it is extremely durable, its consistency allows you to combine several shades to get the colour matching your natural. In general, it’s good for everything – you can fill the entire eyebrow, mark the contour and add individual hairs.
  6. Eyebrow tint – it resembles a peel-off mask. Rub the product over your entire eyebrows, allow it to dry according to the product instructions. Then peel it off delicately. Tint will dye hair and skin on the eyebrow. The effect lasts from 24 hours to several days.
  7. Tinted brow mascara – it’s nothing but brown mascara, with a tiny brush, which is ideal for thick eyebrows. Mascara will emphasize the colour and shade of hairs, and let you give them proper shape.