Weekly beauty planner: What, how and when to apply skincare products to achieve best results?

Does your face skin cry to heaven after being long-exposed to the unfavorable weather conditions? To be honest, my face skin is doing this right now because I’ve been negligent of it recently. Indeed, I did horrible things to it… For example, I sometimes fell asleep without removing makeup or left home without giving any protection to my face (no cream whatsoever). Moreover, I didn’t sleep well and I ate too much sugar so my face suffered a lot – it looked like hell. Luckily, I know how to fix what I’ve done. If you too are looking for some fast and simple skin regeneration plan, give a try to my weekly beauty planner. Carrying out this face skin reconstruction plan isn’t time-consuming the effects are really incredible, especially when you take into consideration how little time you need to devote to it. Are you curious? Let’s start!

Weekly face skin regeneration plan: Who is it recommended to?

A 7-day plan of improving the ‘quality’ of skin should suit everyone who has neglected their faces, whose skin looks fatigued, is exhausted, dull, deprived of shine and lacks suppleness. I truly doubt if this plan would be helpful for those who have been dealing with an advanced form of acne for months. Neither should you expect it to fix the ‘glitches’ that are common for couperose skin. Skin lesions caused by atopic dermatitis, serious skin break-outs and in general some serious ailments that require specialist’s intervention won’t be healed due to this 7-day face skin regeneration plan. Indeed, miracles are rare, yet you can help your skin flourish in a really short period of time. Here is how you can improve the state of your skin at home.

Weekly face skin regeneration plan: Before you begin

What do you need to get your skin regenerated in a week? A set of face masks is the essential. Of course, you have to collect 7 of them and additionally separate pads for eye skin. Moreover, natural beauty oils are crucial (choose only the highest quality, certified, cold-pressed and unrefined oils). When it comes to face scrubs, you don’t have to buy any – you can prepare one using the ingredients that you already have at home (the simplest one? Sugar + water + oil). But I’m sure that each one of you has a face scrub that can be used. What I want to say is that you don’t have to buy a new product specially for this occasion. What’s important, make sure that the face scrub suits your face skin and answers its needs.


Stunning face skin in a week: DAY 1

If you have enough time in the morning, spare a few minutes to perform a short face massage. You can do it using your hands, ice cubes or a special jade roller. Try to massage your face every day. It would be best if you did this while applying a serum. I chose a face serum containing vitamin C since, as far as I’m concerned, there is no other vitamin that is better at nourishing skin and improving its tone. My face serum is so good and well-tolerated by my skin that I apply it morning and evening.

Since this is your first day of the 7-day face skin regeneration plan, you must free your skin from toxins and excess sebum. Deep cleansing is the core therefore I suggest you to do a steam facial (brew some herbs and place your face over the steaming herbal brew to let your skin pores open). Now, it’s time for careful and gentle face exfoliation that will smooth your skin out, cleanse it, increase absorption rate of dermis and blood flow. Then, you can follow with a face mask. On the first day, I apply a nourishing mask for sensitive skin. What I want to get is maximum nourishment, which is easier to achieve thanks to steam facial and scrub.

Stunning face skin in a week: DAY 2

On the second day, we keep cleansing and detoxifying skin. This is the day when I treat skin with a white clay mask that is responsible for cleansing skin through removing toxins and impurities. It also balances sebum as well as cures skin and soothes it – in a single step!

If your skin is oily and is rather blemished – reach for green clay. Once you remove the mask, follow with a facial toner, serum and obviously an eye cream – make sure that you apply it every single day. Therefore, buy a pack of eye gel pads or other similar eye masks and use them in the evening, before going to sleep. Once you finish, apply a deeply moisturizing eye cream.

Stunning face skin in a week: DAY 3

Third day is also devoted to face cleansing but in a slightly different form. This time we are going to make use of OCM, which is Oil Cleansing Method. I’m sure that many of you have already tested this face treatment and know what it is about, however, I need to shed some light for those who haven’t heard about OCM before. In short, OCM is a method of removing makeup and cleansing skin due to oil blend. Of course, you can buy a ready-made blend or prepare it on your own at home. I guess, it goes without saying that you can find countless recipes for oil blends online. All you have to remember though is to choose the highest quality oils that are certified for being organic.

Once you cleanse your face skin due to OCM, treat the face with a toner. This will help you soothe the skin and balance pH. Also, skin’s ability to absorb nutrients will boost and protective barrier will get stronger. When clean, apply a face mask (don’t forget about eye skin!). The third day of my weekly face skin regeneration plan focuses on some anti-ageing strategies, hence the anti-ageing face masks. I’m not a big fan of face masks that have to be rinsed, therefore I use sheet masks. After that I apply a good face serum and nutrient-rich night face cream and – of course – eye cream.

Stunning face skin in a week: DAY 4

Since weekly regeneration plan is supposed to encourage skin self-renewal processes, we have to reach for face scrub one more time. Today, on the fourth day, make use of a face scrub and then follow with a moisturizing mask that will handle two tasks: restore balance to skin and supply it with nutrients. Of course, remember to use hydrating under-eye masks! Then, follow with a toner, serum and cream.

Stunning face skin in a week: DAY 5

And again, OCM followed by a face mask that gives you skin lift effect and smooths it out. Carry out both procedures at bedtime and don’t forget to use a facial toner.

Stunning face skin in a week: DAY 6

This is the last but one day of your weekly face skin regeneration plan! Congratulations! Today, we will handle hydration again. Also, we will focus on restoring this healthy glow to your face, therefore remove makeup precisely, treat your face with OCM. Then, apply a moisturizing face mask that contains particles that bounces light off. Again, follow with under-eye mask and eye cream.

Stunning face skin in a week: DAY 7

Finally, the last day of intensive face skin care process. The very last one therefore today we have to close skin pores and use soothing toners – you can wash your face with chamomile brew. The face mask you apply has to soothe and tonify skin, of course it can also bright skin up a little bit. I’m sure that today you will notice all the benefits of vitamin C that you have been supplying the skin with for the last six days. Still, don’t put away the serum – keep using it on a daily basis. What you can resign from is use of peelings (reduce the frequency to once a week). When it comes to face masks, you can apply them once a week as well.

And that’s all. This is how one of the simplest skin care routine with masks, scrubs and deep cleansing looks like. I hope that after these 7 days, you will see a significant improvement in your skin appearance. I’d appreciate if you could tell me whether you successfully went through the entire week of face skin regeneration plan that I prepared for you.

Last but not least, if you don’t feel like using store-bought face masks, you can go for the homemade ones.