Face toners or floral waters? Let me help you make the right choice!

Hey my dear!

Are you one of those giving lectures on the uselessness of face toners? If so, sorry, you’re wrong. Let me enlighten you: a toner is a must. It’s a pity that facial toners are becoming a relic of the past. I guess it is partly because of micellar water which is advertised as an all-purpose marvel replacing make-up removers, gel cleansers and toners… Is micellar water and moisturizer the only products you use in the nighttime routine? Stop being so lazy and get round to decent skin care! I hope to make you believe in the importance of face toners or floral waters. Sit back and read on!

There is a reason why toners and flower waters are said to have a lot in common. They both have a tonifying effect, restore the proper pH and prime skin for next skin care steps.

Do you know that both toners and floral waters increase the skin’s absorption and aid active ingredients in getting inside the skin easily, quickly and in larger quantities? In other words, toners and hydrosols INTENSIFY THE EFFECT of other skin products. With all due respect, even a top-quality micellar water will never be able to do that as effectively as face toners.

Are toners and hydrosols any different? Slightly. Not much with the effect but with the ingredients, application and quality.


A runny fluid based on water filled up with numerous active substances and some preservatives (having poor or high quality). They include alcohols and even silicones. The more natural the components, the better the effect of a toner. Generally speaking, toners have more advanced substances than hydrosols and are made of plant extracts, glicerin, oils, vitamins and preservatives as well as less necessary aromatic substances.

Moreover, most toners have 5 or 6 pH which is just right for the pH of human skin. If your skin pH is not right, then a toner might prove useful. I’m not going to lie to you. If you limit your skin care to micellar water, your pH is hands down disturbed. The reason is that micelles in make-up removers purify the skin and change its pH from acidic to base, just like soaps! The microbiological balance is disrupted which translates to fast proliferation of bacteria on the skin.


A good toner must go with the needs of your skin, nobody else’s. One type of skin cries for moisture, another one requires repair and protection and yet another type needs alleviation. There are special toners for acne-prone, aging, sallow, lifeless and couperose skins. Toners are often enriched with plant extracts, oils, allantoin, urea, milk protein or even particles of silver or amber. Lots of toners also contain exfoliating acids.


Hydrosols and essential oils have a lot in common because they are the by-products of the oil extraction. A hydrosol is a water produced during steam distillation of a plant. It turns out that floral waters preserve the properties of the plant that they are extracted from. They contain a small concentration of essential oil (up to 1%) and the very components of the plant. Hydrosols have identical properties to oils but they are much milder and skin-friendly so you can use them without diluting and without limitations!

Did you know you can use hydrosols all over your body, including hair?! Their effect is brilliant and the thing that acts for their benefit is being all-purpose and versatile.

Of course the composition of floral waters is another big plus. They are made out of nothing but post-distillation water and a preservative which is a must. Otherwise bacteria would proliferate at great speed. Is it possible to get a preservative-free floral water? Of course it is but you need to store it in the fridge and check the expiry date since it probably expires after just a few weeks since opening.


Obviously the needs of your skin must be the priority. Each plant that hydrosol is extracted from has unique properties and effect. The most popular floral waters include rose, orange (neroli) and lavender water. Always check the properties of a hydrosol before a purchase. Test and experiments with various floral waters, even more so because the price is very encouraging whereas the effect is brilliant!

If you cannot choose between a toner and hydrosol, think of the universality of the latter, plus the easy application since most floral waters are packed in spray-on bottles.

Hopefully, this post will make you get a hydrosol/toner and enjoy numerous benefits in daily skin care. Hugs & kisses!